...Felt like such a fucking idiot in my entire life, like i do right now. I have friends that continuously lie to me...hide shit from me...and think they can pull the wool over my eyes... Well, news flash...one way or another, i'll fucking find out...I am so sick of people that it isnt even fucking funny. They tell me one story, someone else something else, and so on and so forth...get your fucking shit straight, you inconsiderate fuck! I am beyond pissed off right now...Like, to the point where its hard to type because my hands are shaking so fucking bad. I want to smack the shit out of someone or knock their teeth out of their head.
I dont deserve to be lied to...I have ALWAYS been a good friend...never once lying to them, keeping secrets or sneaking around talking shit. If you have something to say...fucking say it to me...and make sure its the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth...so fucking help you.
Why do people insist on causing turmoil in friendships? Why is it SOOO difficult to just be honest? How are you going to play these games and expect me to just sit back and allow it to happen? Who do you think I am? A fucking push over?? Someone who isnt going to mind that you lie to me??? Someone who is weak and naive and stupid????
Dude, fuck you...if you think ANY of that...you dont know me...and nor do you deserve to ever be a part of my life ever again.
When i confront you with all of this shit...and if you lie to me...You will lose the privilege of even knowing i fucking exist...
You made this bed...now curl up in it and enjoy your mess.
With hands shaking and feet pacing,
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