Monday, June 13, 2011

Corporate Equals Shit

I have never, in my 8 years of working in the restaurant business, felt like I did today.  As you all know, for the past month and a half, I have been working at Friday's. I have been making alright tips and new friends there and I was actually starting to enjoy being back in the fast paced hospitality atmosphere...until this afternoon, when I thought I was going to smack the living piss out of someone if they even looked at me funny.

So, all of the policies changed facial piercings, no visible tattoos are allowed to show...etc...Well, one afternoon, about a week ago, as I was getting ready to cash out, a fellow female coworker says to me, "You know you arent allowed to have that in, right?" (Because I had forgotten to take out my nose ring earlier that day) and I nodded and said Yes...So, I go into the office to turn in my paperwork and money and the new female manager says to me, "If you are not willing to abide by the new corporate policies, then when you leave today, then you can stay gone." And then she proceeds to tell me that said coworker brought to her attention I still had in my nose ring, and I shrugged it off like it didnt matter. Ok, first off, I never said it didnt matter...I just didnt find it necessary to remove my piercing since I was cashing out and leaving...So, female manager basically told me to remove my nose stud right in front of her...So, I did...But, umm...really? I was done with work and I was going home...Was there any other reason she was telling me to take it out in front of her other then because she could?? Fucking bitch. How come I get a ten minute lecture on a nose stud but another girl can have her tattoos out in plain sight? She has tattoos on her wrist and no one has said anything to her about them...but the rest of us with tattoos have to wear long sleeves...or take out piercings or cover them with band-aids but since she's one of the closest friends of the girl who tattled on me, its ok? No, its not fucking ok...its hypocritical bullshit.

So then, the other night, I put in a to go order for one of the hostesses and fucking forgot to hit the to go button on it, even though it was labeled 5007 on the screen in the back, which is a to go order...but didnt end up in a to go box and a male coworker brought it out to me and handed me the plate and I was like, oh snap, thats a to go, let me throw it in a box...But before I could do so,  he snatched the plate out of my hands and walked away shaking his head...Dude, really? It was a fucking accident...There is NO fucking need to act that was a straight up mistake, that I was going to correct, that wasnt a big deal to begin with...fucking relax. 

Then theres a female bartender that I think feels like shes better then everyone else and can do no wrong and talk to who she wants however she feels like...Example? Yes, I have one...So the other day, I walk past the bar after dropping off some stuff to a table and shes standing behind the bar with a bottle of sanitizer spraying the air,the bar and the beer taps...I kind of raised an eyebrow at her, wondering why she was spraying everything that comes in contact with peoples mouths...and she says, in the nastiest tone ever, "Dont look at me like that..." and continues spraying chemicals everywhere...Seriously, you fucking cunt? You are doing something you shouldnt be doing and when I give you a quizzical look you act like what you are doing isnt stupid and I am the dumb one for looking at you, confused...Come to find out, she was spraying bugs that were flying around because theres a fruit fly problem around the bar...everyone knows it, even guests because well, you can fucking see them...Dont they make traps for those kinds of situations? I wonder what Eco Sure would think of that if they walked in there while she was doing that...Fucking dumb ass. 

So, as I'm cashing out today, pain in the ass female manager asks me if our GM talked to me...and I said No, because he didnt...and she hands me a piece of paper...I read it...And apparently I am snotty to coworkers and there was a guest complaint because I was snotty to them also. SNOTTY?! The fucking write up said I was snotty, exact words...Are you seriously fucking kidding me right now?? I do NOT talk down to people or give guests attitude, or coworkers for that matter! Why would I treat guests fucked up when they are the ones currently paying my bills?!!? Why would I give them attitude when I know its going to matter when it comes time for them to tip me??? HOW STUPID IS THAT!?!? So I signed the stupid fucking write up even though I should have waited to talk to my GM...But again, I have a feeling it wouldnt have mattered to him anyway because its alright for other coworkers to give straight up attitude to other coworkers and talk down to people, right?? Of course it is.   -.-

I am already seriously fucking sick of this place and I have only been there for a month and a half...Nothing is equal and its absolute SHIT...its always corporate this and corporate that...but its not corporate...its favoritism and its WRONG. It just makes me want my own bar and restaurant sooner so I dont have to deal with the nonsense of being someone else's puppet...a nameless, faceless flair covered fucking robot...I just feel like if youre going to have rules, they need to be enforced and everyone should be included...not just a select few people...

Here is the definition for the day: The notion of "micro-management" can be extended to any social context where one person takes a bully approach, in the level of control and influence over the members or member of a group. Often, this excessive obsession with the most minute of details causes a direct management failure in the ability to focus on the major details.

I fucking hate people...I really do. But I need this job...There isnt anything I can do about it except suck it up and deal with the fucking abuse. 

Continuing to be a slave to society, 

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