Thursday, November 3, 2011

A TAIL Of Two Puppies

I was reading through some blog postings of a blog that I recently started following. Its the life of a pug and its as if he narrates the bloggings. I thought it was absolutely adorable...and it kind of helped me learn a little bit about Chopper. So far I learned that its not just my pug thats a spaz. Apparently, all pug puppies are nuts and they stay in this "puppyhood" phase for about 2 years. All i could think after reading that was....greaaattttt....Chopper is a lunatic...and this wont stop for about 2 whole years. Oh sweet moon. 

He is always nibbling on everything...the couch cushions, the wooden chair legs, shoe laces, chunks of wood from the fireplace, my damn feet....And no matter how many times i yell "NO!" he just goes right back to it... -rolls eyes- 

I dont remember Nashi being this difficult with learning commands. She was so quick and so smart...she learned all her silly dog tricks so fast...Yeah, granted, the potty training took a little bit and sometimes theres still accidents with her, but for the most part....shes perfect. Like, I can open the front door and let her go outside, no collar or leash, and she will go do her business and as soon as I call her, she comes right back to the door. Chopper on the other hand finds things to play with while hes outside, and he does other things other then go potty. Like, eat snow, chew flowers, play in the takes him forever to just pee....I dont understand....Dude, if you have to go, just GO! And while hes outside, on his leash because he will chase after the cat....he will pull and try to get out of it...-sigh-

But after all, he is only 4 months old...He has a lot of growing and learning and he will get the hang of how we run the house...I am hoping that he will kind of SEE how things are supposed to be done because Nashi will lead by example....I hope. -.- 

I guess I will keep everyone updated on the progress of things with the new puppy. I am just glad that Nashi has ALMOST accepted him...she hasnt been growling and snipping at him as much as she did when he first moved in last week. But, he is very entertaining and loving...even if he does bite my toes while I am trying to sleep. 

Much love, 

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