Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Bleed My Heart Out Just For You

The night is quiet and dark. There is a glow in this room, as the Christmas tree throws off its colors from the lights. I sit, alone...drowning in my own thoughts.
I have never been so petrified about anything, but at the same time...excited. I can not wait to see what the future holds for us. I don't want this to turn into another one of those awful things I am so used to...one of those things i dread when I open my eyes in the morning.

I bleed my heart out on this paper...For you....So you can see what I can't say. 

Tomorrow is like an unwritten fairy tale for us. 

But like all endings...They lived happily ever after. 

Promise me your forever. Promise me your love eternal. Promise me this is it. That our forever starts now. 

I want your promises. I want you to swear. I want you to never lie to me. Keep things from me. I want it all. 

May I please have it all? All the words of endearment? All the pleasures of having your life?

You make me feel like this joke I call my life is worth living.

You have given me something to live for. 

All for you,

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